My initial excitement from this trip was because I got booked for Hustle Palooza. Shout Out to Hustle Simmons.....A week before we went down to Austin me and Dj Kmax mapped out our itinerary... the shows we were going to see and the parties we were going to and most importantly who was serving free drinks and food.... HA HA...we found em.
We hit the Fader Fort in Austin with Pugs Atomz and Simeon of The Prime Meridian we get our badges (the badges allowed us to come back and forth to The Fader Fort and drink free Southern Comfort(SOCO) and Budwiser)...we went back many to mention the fact that The Fader Fort is where most of the major performances are held.
....Anyway we get our badges and hit the infamous 6th street. Austin really has an off beat vibe...the slogan is "Keep Austin Weird". For all intensive purposes its kinda weird. An Austin local told me Austin is considered weird because they are a Liberal State in the midst of Conservative Texas.
...6th street is where many of the bars are and most bands perform along this strip. When I say music is everywhere....I mean it is everywhere. Walking down the street is like jumping in and out of dimensions every five steps. You hear everything from Country Western to Hip Hop and you gravitate towards what you like. If you are really in tune it will take you a while just to get down one block.
The fact that the performances are live is really what makes this trip worth your while. You really get to see great performances. A few of my favorites were Cubic Zirconia, Dam Funk, Kid Sister, Ayah, Mic Terror and the DJ Set with Stones Throw.
I wanna take the time a tell you everything that happened, but over the course of four days I would be writing a I will provide my top 5 SXSW Moments
#5. Hearing Cubic Zirconia Live for The first time.
#4. Watching Kid Sister and Blah Blah Blah perform and rep Chicago.
#3. Walking to Whole Foods with Nneka
#2. Getting a hug from Jean Grae....WOOOOO!!!
#1. Ripping the stage at Hustle Palooza.
God is so GREAT...and this trip has cemented the fact that I am moving in the right direction. Follow your dream and you will fulfill your purpose. The movement is growing.....Check The performance at The Light Bar below......
Precise live at Hustlepalooza, SxSW 2010 from Sindre Rønningen on Vimeo.
See Precise and Saul Williams Saturday March 27th At The Kinetic Playground 1113 W Lawrence Chicago, IL... buy tickets here