I was thinking about doing this blog thing the way everybody else does...you know...post some cool videos and music...be "in the know"...but I decided against that. I'm approaching this from a real place.
Recently I have been experiencing some growth with respect to who I am and what it means to be a thirty something year old brother with goals and aspirations. I've picked up a few books .." A New Earth"by Ekhart Tolle...The Power Of Now by Ekhart Tolle...Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill..."The Wisdom of Florence Scovel Shinn by Florence Scovel Schinn and I just finished reading "Alter Your Life" by Emmet Fox.
All of this reading was sparked by my introduction to "The Secret" by Rhonda Byrne. I also saw Abraham Speaks by Ester Hicks...you gotta be ready for that one. At any rate...here is where I am with this...I know and believe that we are connected to the source..that source being God. Our words construct our reality and the only real important moment in our lives is now. Mixing feelings with our faith fulfills our desires. We have the power to do anything we want and truly the only thing that can hinder you is you.
My eyes open when I realize how much accountability we truly have. Where we are now is based on the condition of our consciousness now.
My desire was to kick it off like this. Keep those words Positive and Uplifiting. Control those emotions. Your world will flourish because of it.
Leave me some thoughts.
To share this moment in time with a person that we shared the same school halls and walls. I am proud that you have overcome the influence of the world and have found your PEACE & VOICE. Keep PRAYING and keeping GOD first.
The word of God tells us, from the very beginning, that we were created in His image - This same being who began all His creations with spoken word. Why then should we not expect to have power, not just influence, of life and death in our own tongues? Not that you need my validation, so perhaps I will just applaud the fact that you have been enlightened to your empowerment and I look forward to your own awesome creations.
God Bless Precise
The blog is great.
Looking forward to reading more.
You are right where you need to be in term of your thought process. I would like to suggest another book. "As A Man Thinketh" by James Allen. I will be glad to send it to you in a pdf format. Shoot me a email: dawudm3000@yahoo.com.....Keep up the good work.
Dawud Muhammad
I started reading "The Power of Now" but I'm having the hardest time finishing it. I'm having issues with focusing right now. I know that I NEED the positive messages the book contains and I felt really good when I read what little I have read. I need to stop playin' and read the book through.
Precise...Thanks for sharing. I read The Secret and saw the DVD and it literally changed my life. I honestly realized how "focused" I was on "not" doing something or dealing with things, instead of focusing on what I want. There is a book by Bishop Walker of Nashville, TN that encouraged me when I read...."every year of your life you should be on another level!"
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