Just Flo Paints D Rose
Letter To Lebron James by Victor R. Moore II

Dear Lebron James,
This is going to be rough and believe it or not I generally feel bad for you! The media is going to be unforgiving but moreover the average NBA fan will have no compassion for you and kick back and put their hands behind their head and say "you deserve this asshole"!!! Is that fair? Probably not, but Lebron, that is the price you pay when you put yourself above the game!
Ok, let me first say that I am a Michael Jordan fan. Born and raised Michael
Jordan fan! Us, Michael Jordan fans, are a strange lot. We saw the maturation of a basketball God and saw him dominate and destroy an entire generation of
basketball superstars. Stockton, Malone, Barkley, Ewing, Mourning, Payton,
Drexler, Miller, Shaq, Penny, Grant Hill, I can go on and on.... But, what
made Jordan...JORDAN for us, is one simple thing...every day, every game, every play...he was Michael Jordan! And so, from that point of view, we feel like we saw something perfect, something that would never happen again...and it annoys us, Michael Jordan fans, when people say..."Here is the next Michael Jordan". Kobe Bryant had the talent but lacked the charisma. More than that, he impersonated MJ!!! He copied his swagger, his mannerisms, his game, his walk, his expressions....he wanted to be Michael so bad that he lost what it was Kobe Bryant was.....and MJ fans seethed!!! To MJ fans, he was just a bad copy and nothing he did was original or indigenous to Kobe and thus made him a fake....but as Kobe became more successful as this MJ impersonator, I started to be more fearful than hateful that people would start to view the fake as the real and forget the true greatness of the original...if that makes any sense...? But, then came you! Super athletic, big, powerful, young.....DIFFERENT!!! The antithesis to the Kobe clone! I admired you from afar and secretly craved to see you destroy Kobe on the world’s biggest stage! I COULD HAVE REALLY BEEN A TRUE FAN OF YOURS!!!
Then, "The Decision"! Lebron man, I have no idea what you were thinking and even today it blows my mind. I could have forgiven you for not picking Chicago, especially to stay in Cleveland. But, what you did was inconceivable. You showed that you had no heart, no killer instinct.....no set of brass balls to tell the world that "I'm Lebron James and I am the best basketball player in the world"......no matter who on my team, I'm going to win!!!!!!! I hate to say it but that's what MJ did...he had Dave Corzine, Brad Sellers, Rory Sparrow, Sedale Threatt, John Paxson, Charles Oakley and Orlando Woolridge going to war with him early on....the team got better and better and the rest is NBA history!!!!! But you, you seemingly chose the easy route and then you became the true fake!
Lebron, you made me respect Kobe! Kobe has that killer instinct that you don't have and with your enormous talent I feel like it is such a waste! But, I say all of this to get to the point of this letter. What's next? Where do you go from here? Next year it will only get harder! Dallas is done! They are very similar to the 2006 Miami Heat team. They are loaded with aging veterans and they probably played their best ball this series. The Lakers are done. Orlando is trying everything not to deal with them and if Kobe is as finished as he looked this playoffs (the Lakers must know something cause they hired a coach without his consent) they will be 2 years away at least! Boston is done! Age has them in serious decline! But, you have Oklahoma City. Young, hungry and talented....maybe more talented than you....especially if they get Chris Paul! Very scary!!! But, what should keep you awake at night is Chicago!!! Ok, I'm a Chicago guy and I really love my Bulls but this is the new NBA rivalry for the next 5 years! This is where your championship are! You have a real young player with that killer instinct (Derrick Rose)! You embarrassed Derrick Rose on his home floor and he will never forget that! There are reports that he is taking an unprecedented 2000 jump shots a day!!!!! The whole squad has stayed in Chicago to work out together! This is where you must focused.
Lebron, you will have to get in the post! You have to. You need options to your game and you are killing yourself facing up! In the post, JJ Barea, Jason Kidd or Shawn Marion or Deshawn Stevenson could even think about checking you in the post! You are a unselfish player but you are also a unconfident player! Unconfident players usually don't prepare well. You have to start preparing your mind as well as your body! As the superstar and leader of your squad, it is unacceptable for you to be confused by a defense! Jason Kidd recognized everything the Heat was doing and remained calm! Derrick Rose got flustered because you kept bringing the pick & roll double from different places and he forced things and committed turnovers (don't think he did not see Dallas pick that apart with precision). Most importantly, you have to develop a mid range game (the post will help this). It’s either three or layup with you. That will not work. Watch some tape of Rip Hamilton.
Lastly, you are going to have to humble yourself. It is incredibly ridiculous for you to be as arrogant as you are and to be such a prolific loser! Humble yourself Lebron and refocus this summer and pray to God that Pat Riley can get some size and some athletic shooters to put around you and Wade. I would also keep an open eye on DRose because he coming. Like Rocky in Rocky III and he working with Apollo Creed right now at this very moment!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank You
Victor R. Moore
You Have It!
Good Morning! God is so AMAZING! We have the ability to do anything we set our minds to do with ease and comfort. Forget what is behind and reach forward for the blessings that are ahead NOW!
Our spirit runs parallel and is equal to our level of faith. I know I can move mountains and walk on water. I know God IS blessing me exceedingly and abundantly over anything I can think or ask. God will always provide. We are AWESOME. God is a Blessing and so are YOU!
Hebrews 11:1 (KJV) 1Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.
Stay Focused, Positive and Productive
Our Value

We Have Value
Over the course of my years on this earth I have been involved in many specific ongoing conversations. One specific conversation always sticks out the most. Why don’t black people stick together? I have had this conversation with all sorts of individuals and there never seems to be a definitive answer. Well guess what? I have the answer.
We don’t adequately demonstrate the respect and value that we have with each other by exchanging the proper type of energy.
I would go on a tirade about the history of people of color right now, however I know that is the root of the problem. I could also go on a long spiel about how other cultures benefit and flourish from the proper exchange of energy, however that would be a waste of energy for me. Allow me to be plain.
Money is energy. Our community has yet to capitalize off the value that has been embraced thousands of times over around the world. We take each other for granted and we do not extend the same type of respect we extend to other cultures with regards to exchanging money.
Where a man spends his money is where his treasure is. Our culture is a treasure and should be nurtured and appreciated. We should appreciate it so much that we give money/energy to preserve the essence of it and grow the treasure where we are.
The time has come to stop short changing our community and start breaking bread (sharing money/energy) and reap the benefits of it as a community.
Our community has the ability to exchange goods and services with each other. We must embrace our greatness and express it accordingly. Share energy and build the community. #THATISALL